DEFINITION Out; (*Output to the standard output stream Implements the basic library module from "The Oakwood Guidelines for Oberon-2 Compiler Developers".*) PROCEDURE Open; (*does nothing (included for compatibility with "The Oakwood Guidelines")*) PROCEDURE Char(ch: CHAR); (*writes the character ch to the end of the output stream*) PROCEDURE String(s: ARRAY OF CHAR); (*writes the null-terminated character sequence s to the end of the output stream (without 0X).*) PROCEDURE Int(i, n: INTEGER); (*writes the integer i to the end of the output stream. If the textual representation of i requires m characters, i is right adjusted in a field of Max(n, m) characters padded with blanks at the left end. A plus sign is not written.*) PROCEDURE Hex(i: INTEGER); (*writes the integer i to the end of the output stream as a zero-padded unsigned hexadecimal number with a leading space. NOTE: This procedure is an extension to The Oakwood Guidelines.*) PROCEDURE Real(x: REAL; n: INTEGER); (*writes the real number x to the end of the output stream using an exponential form. If the textual representation of x requires m characters (including a two-digit signed exponent), x is right adjusted in a field of Max(n, m) characters padded with blanks at the left end. A plus sign of the mantissa is not written.*) PROCEDURE Ln; (*writes an end-of-line symbol to the end of the output stream*) END Out.